I have no idea what an widget does, but I'll try anything once.
Updated. hmmmm that didn't do what I thought it would do, but I seem to have it figured out. See the cool new Achenblog Widget on the sidebar.
I have no idea what an widget does, but I'll try anything once.
Updated. hmmmm that didn't do what I thought it would do, but I seem to have it figured out. See the cool new Achenblog Widget on the sidebar.
It takes a little mind shift, and might change the way you think about some crochet stitches but it isn't a hard fix.
Here is a typical front post stitch worked around the entire post in the row below rather than working it through the loops.
Usually we think of the crochet stitch as the hole we need to work into, the threads we need to work through. When you work posts, you must count the posts, and pay attention to the hole you work into next.
When you flip your work over, you see the loop running horizontal around the stitch. Its a little hard to see here, but right above that horizontal loop is the top loops of the stitch. I've stuck my hook through to help you see it.
Flip it over and now you see which stitch you should work into. It is to the left of the hook.
When worked, it looks as if it crowds your post stitch a bit, but it isn't.
Its very easy to work the first stitch after the post into the wrong loop, but give this a try. It might help.
If over a sample piece, you find your stitches slanting right, count the number of posts before you work your first post stitch. Is that number right, or do you have one too many posts?
If your sample piece has the post stitches running left, check the hole you are working into.
I strongly recommend Crocheted Aran Sweaters by Jane Snedden Peaver. she explains how to avoid the front post slant in her book very, very well.
A sock can teach you basic stitches. Knits and purls is what makes all knitting, and a sock is no exception. A sock teaches you decreasing and increasing, no matter what heel you use. A sock teaches you how to work in the round, and it teaches you to work back and forth (flap heels). A sock teaches you a lot more.
A sock teaches that you must think, and keep learning. A sock can teach you to expand your way of looking at even the most basic things, and see what else you can do with it. A sock teaches you to keep trying, new things, old things, different ways. Socks teach you diversity.
And so here is my very pleasing version following Maia's excellent heel tutorial. I strongly suggest you look around on her site. She has some very interesting posts.
A smarter person than I would be showing this off after blocking it, but well we all know the author of this blog has no time for such things, she just moves on enthusiastically. I hope you can see it reasonably well. Once I got to the part where I was to decrease the stitches, I wondered what to do with the extra stitches from the back of the heel. I put them back on, and worked away. Had I read the pattern and followed the tutorial more closely (see how often that problem crops up) I would have seen her note about aligning these stitches with the picked up ones. I will do that next time, though I can see there being times where a few stitches separating the two stress points being a good idea. Mr. Needles has verified the fit of the sock as perfect, so I am madly moving forward. I have the other sock's toe at about 4 inches, so only another couple inches to go before beginning the flap. I am delighted to be able to do the flap this way. There is something really cool about turning a heel properly.
I am becoming aware of a knitting trait which never ever showed up in crochet. When I learned to crochet, I learned to follow the pictures and instructions in Elisabeth Hiddleson's booklets which my Aunt Lorraine and Grandmother Anna had. The first afghan was from a pattern. I've never worried about reading directions, about interpreting the patterns. In knitting I really am resisting patterns. I collect the things, and print them off at the drop of a hat. I have no problem finding nice books to purchase filled with patterns. I love getting the magazines. But I am petrified of using the patterns, and in every single way, when I look at the pictures in things, I think, that can't be hard, I wonder if I can do it without reading it?
I think it goes back to my combined knitting and how everything is the same only different than the average knitting directions. I can't wait for Annie Modesitt class here in Edmonton in November. I'm taking the combination class and the lace class. I really wanted to take the others, and the Lucy Neatby classes too, but, well, it was either yarn or classes. So, a few classes, a little yarn. A nice balance I say. (My yarn orders should be here any day now!)
I hope to come out of the day with some technical expertise, a little more comfort in my approach. I have no problem moving forward, I just would like to move forward in knitting a little less like a bull in a china shop, and a little bit more like a knitter.
I started working with that lovely yarn from Schaefer, the Ann, titled Earth. I'm making a shawl with it, just a plain ordinary garter stitch shawl. I've hardly used any yarn, and already it's showing off its gorgeous colours. I held it against a knitted swatch of the plain Anne against the shawl, and I am very pleased to say that the dark green Regia is not overwhelming the tones and shading of the yarn. They are working together in a most delightful way.
I've also worked on the sock, and Mr. Needles tried it on. It is - wait for it - a perfect fit to his foot. An absolute dream of a fit. I was worried that following Maia's directions might leave me with too narrow a heel, and if you were looking for perfection, 1 more stitch on each side would have been perfection. Keeping in mind that this is MY knitting and will never be perfect, its not quite worth it to go back and rework the thing for those 2 stitches. BUT I will take a note of it. These are still demo socks - they will be longer in the calf than I have done till now at Mr. Needles request. I may have to add a little more room as I get higher up the calf, so I wait and see.
The heel worked out wonderfully well, and there is a really good chance that this will become the routine heel. There is no grafting, and very little stitching in of ends. I'll like that best of all. Just 2 ends to work in. I will need a calculator for my tool kit, something with legible numbers.
I worked hours on the vest. I thought I would finish up today. I am under the second arm and have found a small but serious error. Somewhere along the line, I suspect row ends, I have managed to drop 10 stitches. Now 10 is really not all that much, but if your underarm count is 36 stitches, well, you know you need every single stitch. So I will rip back. I suspect is going to be a very long way back, and I'm not sure I am up to it today. I can't believe how this vest is working. Well actually I can.
Which is why I am taking a rest. I might do a little embroidery this afternoon. Embroider doesn't usually talk back so late in the game. Yes yes, I know there is the poppy piece.You know, laundry is looking pretty safe.
I picked up this sock, which is the first toe up gusset heel sock attempt. They will probably be for Mr Needles, since all first heel attempts and awful socks appear to be those slated for him. Note the conservative tan/ brown/gray colour. Whatever happens with the heel, it will be followed by a ribbed calf. I think he will like the fit of that better than the stockinette of my first sock.
Truth be told my finger were antsy, so I put the knitting down, and picked up the vest.
That moved along splendidly. I finished the first back shoulder part and am moving along towards the centre back. The pictures the other day, really did not give you a good idea of how the ridges are showing up, so I took a close-up photo. In fact I took several photos, because the first batch were of the wrong side.
But look at this! I love the way its looking from this 'wrong' side. Where the ridges form on the other side, the stitch pattern is leaving some luscious rounded curves on this side. The other thing, that is not so obvious here, is that the rounded curve is accentuating the slant of the hdc, and making it seem to swirl. Keep in mind this is what I saw pre-coffee, and keep in mind the awful early hour. It was just before 5, so what I saw, may not really be there. I will have to think on it today, and am going to take a long hard look at things tonite. The ridges are nice, but now that I look at it close up, I don't think they are giving me the best bang for my buck. Is this yarn telling me it does not want to be ridges?
Maybe whatever I do with this vest, I should be careful to do it neatly. Maybe it's possible for this peice to be reversible? Is that what this yarn is telling me?
I followed patterns when sewing for work till about 4 years ago. The most I ever changed anything was making it wider to fit. I happened across this book, Sewing for Plus Sizes by Barbra Deckert. What a revelation. I have all kinds of sewing books, probably not the best ones on the market, bought at a remainder place as they are, but they are decent. This book, though changed my sewing, my crocheting, and if I ever knit a sweater for myself, my knitting.
The writer discusses plus sizes, from a plus size perspective. She hits all the areas where we plus sized people take issues with standard patterns. She deals with patterns that assume because you are ample, you are tall, amazonian even. She shows clearly how to adjust, change, mangle and rebuild every single fit issue I've come across. She teaches the basics of proportion, design considerations, texture and weight of fabric considerations, so the sewer can be the best she can be. She does tend to speak more of one certain figure type, but I think that is because it is her figure type. Everything I ever wanted in a book on plus sizes, written by someone who is plus size. Darn fine Book.
Oh, and the other very very cool thing? She shows how to make a dress form to fit your body. At home. On your own. At a very low cost. Very very cool.
Whoops, digressed a little again. Where was I? Ah yes. Her book changed my attitude towards fit from 'never going to happen', to OK, let me think about it, and I have been blithely making things fit better in every media ever since. I know what to do to make my sweaters fit so the front doesn't pull up. I understood why Emma's short row concept on the Tubey that Curlerchick is working on will work. (Curlerchick is assisting me learn short rows, and the horrors of wraps!!! Curlerchick has me side listed on her blog!!! Its really not like I'm stalking her, at all. Nuh uhh.)
Of course that doesn't always help. I still need to fix that measuring problem I have, and well follow a pattern? Who me? I turned out a clunker last year, that I intend to fix, if I ever get up the gumption.
So, to make a really long story short, if you find that the sweaters you crochet and knit are not fitting as well as you would like, go get a really good sewing book which discusses pattern alterations and fit issues. Think of your sweater parts as pattern parts, and then apply what you know about short rows, and all the other little knit tricks out there, to make perfect fit yours.
Then go get Lily Chin's masterful Couture Crochet Workshop. Lily completes the circle. Her book shows you how to take your modified pattern and turn the fit into crochet and knitwear, any pattern, any stitch design, and to use the shaping and texture to show off a yarn and your work to its very best advantage.
Sewing for Plus Sizes rates a Double Crochet, a sound solid resource book.
Couture Crochet Workshop rates a Treble.
I write three steps behind where I think, so occasionally I don't make myself clear. My link to the Leisure Arts Plus sized is not working (Leisure Arts want to hide their book links in a big way. For the life of me, I can't think why. They have great products) JCB from Crochetville was asking for a bit more info. So here goes.
I fear running out of this yarn. I don't think I will but deep inside hides the fear that what if. First off, the vest I am working on should look like the last picture on my link . To counter any yarn problems, I'm just making it shorter than called for. Here is where it gets tricky. The other part of me worries that I will have tons, skeins of yarn left over. Unbelievable right? So, go back to that link, and see the bottom of the vest just to the upper left? The open work pattern will be added in case I have tons of yarn left.
Then there is the size issue. The pattern is built for S, M, L, XL. I am none of these. Throw in a couple of XXx's and that is me, so, having just completed this vest based on a pattern in Leisure Arts Plus Sized Sweaters to Crochet, and finding a good fit, I'm making it to the dimensions of another item from this leaflet. Plus sized usually means we need deeper (longer from shoulder to apex of bust) and wider armscyces in relation to how wide our back measurement is. This pattern booklet, having numerous side to side worked sweaters, is a fine template on which to build this vest. I will know for sure when the vest is done.
Classic Crocheted Vests is a great book. Pattern sizes in it range from S to XXL, or rather for finished bust sizes from 33 to 50. Not every pattern finishes to every size range. In fact size ranges in patterns and books are one of the things I complain about frequently, no matter what media I am working with. You find the same problems in patterns for sewing, knitting, any wearable. I just don't see why we can't be provided the same stylish patterns in size ranges that fit.
Consarn it all any way. There are a lot of us. And we do these things. In fact we do them more than average sized people per capita. We need to do it ourselves since gorgeous sweaters and seriously fine clothing to fit us well is not always available.
Now back down to earth. Last evening while making dinner, I worked on socks. I continued picking up through the evening till it was time to hit the hay. This morning, Mr. Needles had to be on the road early, so I woke up and made coffee at 4. While I was sipping my first cup of that wonderful brew, I noticed a dropped stitch on the sock...way back where I started at yesterday. So I ripped, and reknit this morning. Total time knitting this morning? 1.5 hours. Total advance to actual project? 1 row.
Knitting feels an awful lot like golf.
This morning I finished SS's moms socks. They are ready to send, but I will talk with SS to see if there is anything else she wants to send with it.
And then I sort of looked at the work bag, and decided to give socks a break. There are two in the bag on needles, but the mildly neglected vest looked like a whole lot more fun. I've been picking it up at odd moments here and there, and its progressing quite nicely. Though the basic pattern is the same ridged one I began with, its not going to end the same. I am combining two patterns from the book, Classic Vests, but working them to the sizes found here.
I like the way its turning out. My worries about sagging are unfounded. This vest is worked in one piece from side to side or front to front as it were. The rows are vertical so when you hold it up for drape, not enough sagging to worry about. There is a lot of sag between rows when its held in the working direction horizontal, but since that isn't the way you wear it, lucky me. That would be why the designer designs things, and I only make things following someone else's idea.
I picked up the newest Interweave Crochet magazine. I think I am going to like this magazine. Lovely patterns, edited by someone whose approach to crochet I really admire. Some might call Kim Werker innovative, but I don't know that its innovative so much, as it's about darn time. Someone needed to put this crochet world of ours out of the 'only for doilies, blankets and things for the kitchen' stage it has been stuck in, and put it right back to where it ought to be. Crochet ought to be full of just as many seriously fine yarns as knitting. Crochet ought to be full of just as many wonderful people designing things to wear, to use, to accessorise with as knitting. We aren't there, and though there are as many of us crocheting as there are knitting. In fact I think there might be more of us, than knitters, but we are a much quieter community.
Kim Werker is one of the people who is dragging us to the new crochet by the seat of our communal pants, she's helping all of us see what else is out there. Kim is a mover, making our crochet world expand and grow and I for one am really really glad. Calling this monumental task innovative sounds too small in my view. Its a herculean task, setting crochet on its edge, but Kim is the woman to do it.
But I digress. There is a really interesting article in this issue about stitch patterns and working with multi coloured yarn. Multicoloured yarns sparked a wonderful things in knitting, particularly sock knitting, and there is no reason they shouldn't in crochet too. But crochet, with its very different and much more textural stitch work means you have to look for something a little different out of the yarn. This closeup shows the sort of colour variation I am getting, working to this gauge, and in this pattern.
This second fuzzy picture (My bad. I was in a rush this morning by the time I took the pictures), shows the way it looks so far. The big U is the armscyce. The colour is forming waves and weaves. It might block the colours if I was working in a different gauge, and I am thinking about trying to see what the difference might be. I do like the way it looks, but after reading the article, I wonder if it can be better. I want this seriously fine Blue Moon medium weight to be shown to its best crochet advantage.
So, what do you think? Is the pattern the colours are making pleasing? Is the ridged stitch showing off well against the yarn? Opine please, because I am just not sure. I usually operate on the principle of 'if I am not sure, I'm not there' but in this case, I just don't know where to go. I'm looking for direction and I hope you can help.
And socks. much work on socks. I finished toes in both, I knit ribbing and used up all but the little bit I like to keep back in case they need darning. I love how long these socks are. They go well up the leg of SS, and with the slightly longer foot, they should fit SS's mom perfectly.
So I will be ripping them tonite.
Yes, that's right. After everything was done, after all the ribbing, just before I tucked in all the ends and blocked them, I laid them out together. I admired the toes. I admired the heel turns (they are perfect, I tell you, perfect). I admired that the heel flaps are exactly the same size. I admired the way the tiny pattern went up the calf, I admired the ribbing. OK, I need practise for perfection with the purling, but each one is better, and I admired them all the same. I admired how the calves matched... Wait, what's that? Oh, the calves. They don't match.
I measured them, I remeasured them, I measured them a couple different ways, and the two measured out the same. I counted the little tiny pattern holes. Same count. BUT the socks and the yarn have chosen to be other than perfectly matchy matchy. They have decided to do things their way.
Tonite I will rip back the taller of the two, and will rework the top 4 rounds plain, and will then rework the ribbing. I do have enough yarn to make the shorter one longer, but I'm not sure I can make the pattern stitches look the same working up the leg, so I will take that measly half an inch off the longer sock.
I know that the problem has to be me, being a little cavalier with the tape measure or maybe its more that I am using a cavalier type of tape measure, I really can't say, but after this, I am never using any tape but my metal tape measure again. On an extremely flat surface. After blocking.
No progress on anything last evening, so this morning I bring pictures of an oldie.
This is a variation on a theme of this pattern. It was one of those occasions where I used up yarns that I had, except for the purchase of the variegated, and the brown. If you look carefully, you will also see how the dark green squares look like a block, and you will begin to see how many different forms this block pattern can take just by changing the simple placement of coloured parts. Its one of the most innovative afghan pattern in years, taking crocheters to quilt designs and beyond.
Some day, I'd like to work one up just like the pattern shows. I loved it from the first time I saw it. Its rust and greens and creams just appeal to me. Earthy, warm and rich tones, that give rest to the eyes as well as warmth to snuggle up to.
It seems though I learned on 3 needles, I am no longer capable of it. I have no idea how to set the darn things so the other needles isn't in the way. There is always something poking me. Shameful really, but one more set of 3's and I'll have my 4th and some to spare.
I spent the evening working on these for SS's mom. She got home in time to try them on for fit, and man are they impressive.
Nice high calf, Simple design running straight as an arrow down the leg, a really cool heel, and nothing loose or flabby anywhere. Of course this is the girl with the morphing foot. Who knows what will happen when she tries them on so I can be sure that the foot length is absolutely correct. Maybe her mom's foot morphs?!! Oh the horror.
Anyway, I am utterly pleased with how these turned out. Gosh darn it I enjoy the heel flap and gusset. There really is something mystic about turning a heel, and it tells me that I am really going to enjoy the toe up version of a heel gusset. Can't wait.
Still waiting in the wings, quite patiently, is this lovely yarn. Just before we left, I played a little with it. I want to make a large scarf, or a small shawl. I will have 900 metres of yarn or there abouts, and I really hope that will be enough. I'm going to make it quite simple, just stockinette, I think. My plan is to work two rows in the Anne yarn, and then to do 2 rows in the plain green. I want to work a fancier border in the plain dark green. What pattern the edging will be is going to take some research, and probably should wait till I see the completed shawl. Is the plain knit going to look busy, is it going to show off the lovely Anne yarn well? Is it wanting a pointy edge? A wave? A shell? Crochet?
There are some fantastic resources from antique sources on the net, and there are some great modern patterns too. So many things, so little time.
"Dad said he hadn't even tried them on.
They are too much of a treasure for him to even try on. He went to get them and came out with a pair of mitts as well as the socks. I don't know if you ever knew about the mitts.
They are quite a dark brown wool. Really very nice. He said Grandma S gave them to him (and it sounds like to at least all the sons-in-law) for Christmas one year. Mom and Dad guessed it would have been sometime in the 70's. Grandma had spun the wool and knit them. He said he caught Mom wearing them so they've been washed once, and only once. They are, just like the socks, in his words "too much of a treasure" to wear.
And then he also has a pair of really soft leather steerhide gloves that he keeps in his winter jacket pocket all the time. They were Grandpa D's last pair of gloves and while Dad doesn't wear them that often they are always rolled up in his pocket. They've obviously been used but are in great shape for the age they are."
Thanks Dad. I'm honoured that you would think that. Its so sweet, it made me cry. Grandma made handmade socks when she was tired and her hands were work worn and chapped. She did it because that was the only way people got socks for most of her life. A gift from someone who knew the work of socks is a treasure. For mine to be classed with hers means a lot.
But your feet are often cold and I want you to have warm snuggly feet. I will knit more. Many more.
As you might imagine, working while driving is an attractive proposition. some crochet and now knitting has traveled with me for many years on vacations, and lake weekends, but until socks and knitting, it was almost impossible to carry more than one project. Most of my work has been sweaters, blankets, big things, and the smaller finer, thread work and embroidery was left behind. With the addition of socks, crocheted or knitted, I could to fill the bag with enough projects to work on for a couple of weeks and still have room for vacation yarn purchases to be stored. I left home with yarns for 4 different projects, and came home with all of them used.
I also left home determined to figure out how to purl while working in the round. Thanks to a hurried conversation the day I left with one of the nice people at River City Yarns, I can now proudly say I can purl properly. I don't even know what it was she said, but when I picked up the yarn to give it a go, I realized she was talking about clockwise counter clockwise, and that I had to go from the other direction the front of the needle to get an untwisted purl. It almost made up for having to miss the night June Ellison was in town. Almost but not quite. I realized before we left I needed a warm something to wear, so I pushed hard to finish the Ragg vest. The decision to make it be a vest was easy with the rush of time, and I am glad. I needed better quality finishing skills - I'm not happy with how I sewed the zipper in. It's amateurish, and I know I can do better. Otherwise I am very pleased with how it turned out and even better how it wears.We took off midday Wednesday, and dropped in unexpectedly at friends in Calgary. We went to a their sons hockey game, caught up on families, and stayed overnight. Next morning we headed for Highway 3, a southern route that winds and bumps along the border, and is one of the loveliest drives in all of southern BC. There was some of this.
It couldn't have been all that bad. The highway construction crews worked through it. We stopped for the night at Oosoyos in the southern Okanagan Valley. We stayed at Nk'Mip (Inkameep) , which also has a lot of this, and a really fantastic museum, and cultural centre, and this, plus a winery serving and selling fantastic wines. It is one heck of a place at any time of the year. We liked it so much we went back later and stayed another night.
On to Vancouver, to visit SS's parents, who live in a community known as Deep Cove. It is part of North Vancouver, but has retained a unique character, and beauty. It reinforces my admiration of SS who left this wondrous rain forested place to go Fairview Alberta, way north, way flat, and way not a city. The photos don't do Deep Cove justice.
Next Day took us to Whidbey Island, and Seattle, where I found a friend. Mostlylurking comments here occasionally, but I met her at Achenblog. It was a traditional BPH, with sharing of foods and beverages, though not beer (it was Sunday and early in the day) but like all BPHs, the company was grand, and the conversation wonderful, and laughter never far away .
Mostly and her husband welcomed us into their home. She showed me a scarf she is working on right now that I coveted, but only a little. Sue knits lace, way advanced from socks, yet she has not done socks. I left her a little Canadian pack, needles with a metric and US identity, some yarn and a sock book from Lucy Neatby. I will lead her down the garden path to socks with only a little shame, and absolutely no apologies. We ran out of time to get to a yarn store, which she had researched carefully, and I was really looking forward to, but ah well, I shall find them online. Mostlylurking also showed me her garden. Many little treasures hiding amongst many other treasures. Wow.
Mostly is modest about her accomplishments, as is her husband. His work takes my breath away. Literally. Its a crying shame that the Internet only shows you a glimpse of the beauty of his work. When you see the pieces in person, you don't recognize them as leather, indeed you can't tell what the material is, you only know that it is a deeply personal statement between man and material and our connection to earth, our connection to spirit. There is some serious talent in that gentleman. Breathtaking.
The weather was rainy and the forecasts were not looking good. We decided to head back to the Okanagan rather than follow our original plan of going to the Island. Along the way we came across Leavenworth WA. these folks are very serious about their town. This is a back alley.
They have a main square, surrounded by shopping (seriously fine shopping, Mr Needles made me leave my wallet in the van for) and lovely hotels and guest houses and places to eat.
I'm going to go back there sometime, for sure.
Onward to Oosoyos and up through wine country. Ah Wine Country. I can't say a whole lot about that except next time the Needles's are taking a chauffeured bus. Wine country and driving a camper van means you have to stop for the evening really early in the day. Thankfully, there was always another vineyard and winery down the road. We managed to find places like this.
We sat a lot, sipping fine wines from small but seriously good wineries.
Ehrenfelser, oh Ehrenfelser, I salute you. It might be principally grown and sold here right now, but it will soon be out of my price bracket. I also saluted my share of Gewurztraminer, some Pinot Blancs and Pinot Noirs. We did manage to get some wine home, but because most of our choices are not generally cellaring wines, we will have to manfully try to get them taken care of as soon as possible. It won't be hard.There was much yarn work accomplished, but I'll save that for tomorrow.
Or it will, once the needleperson understands a few more things about yarn and how sellers wind it into skeins.
I wound about 4 feet into a ball before bad things started happening. I persevered, thinking it would be fine. I finally realized it was getting worse, that yarn should not be coming from the center of the skein, and that if I did not stop, I might spoil my lovely, lovely yarn.
I was about to panic, so I called Mr. Needles and begged him to hold the yarn while I unwound it into balls. He asked how much this yarn was worth, and I truthfully answered it was irreplaceable. He did not say another word, he just held the yarn. This is almost the most romantic thing he has ever done for me. It ranks right up there with 'Instant Romance' and wildflowers.
We spent 4 hours on Saturday winding yarn, we spent 2 hours last evening. We should be able to finish tonight with another hour of work, or less.
Some where along the way, by slowly unwinding the tangles (no knots thankfully) we are creating worse tangles, and each round, each inch is new territory. I'm sure there has to be some basic principle I missed, some simple thing everyone else knows, that I was not bright enough to have seen about skeined yarn. Could someone please tell me, even if it's so simple, I don't deserve to be put out of my misery? Mr. Needles surely does.
In truth, he deserves a medal. He deserves a sweater, properly knitted, from a superior pattern, in superior yarn. Suggenstions are now being accepted.
I finished the sweater. Put on the sleeves, did the collar, did the finishing. It was looking great. And then I tried it on. The sleeves are too short, and tight around my upper arm. Everything else fits fine, but I'm not quite sure what I am going to do about the sleeves. The particular construction of the armscye, means that any sensible repair means going back down on all pieces and making the upper bodices longer, and the sleeve inset wider. I'm sorry but I'll make a vest first before I do all that. I'd have to come up with an gusset piece, to give me the ease I need, while not looking odd or weird. Because of the very textured stitch, I think I can fudge it with some success. Back to the drawing board, and the sleeves came off this morning. The vest is looking like a great idea. Maybe after some more coffee...
To console myself, I thought that I would try winding yarn from my new swift (I'll talk about that tomorrow), but to to an over eager me, we have KNOTS. Not really knots, I stopped before it got too bad, and Mr Needles came and held it for me as I slowly wound it inch by freaking inch in and out around, and through, into a ball. After 2 hours of that he rebelled, and the rest will happen tonite. He promised.
So to console myself over that disaster, I did this (you're thinking, finally pictures)
I'm not happy with the little patterns stitch I figured out. I did a decrease and yo in each row and I should have had a plain knit row in between. I do like the way a pattern adds just a little dimension to the brilliantly coloured Rhode Island Red medium weight from Blue Moon Socks That Rock. I don't care for the uprights of the pattern at all. It looks sloppy. They won't be repeated. I'm also not going to repeat the change in direction of the patterns, unless I can figure out why my yarnovers are less successful one way than the other.
Annie Modesitt is coming to Edmonton in November and I am scheduled for some workshops with her. I hope to gain some insight into my knitting kerfuffles. I have learned so much, but it is time to bring in an expert.
I also have an invite to a private program with Jane Ellison. And dad-gummit, I'm going to have to turn it down. Apparently I am taking some vacation.
I should be off today already but the boss changed our day of leaving. Stuff to do says he and there is indeed. Vacation at this point seems so surreal that I am debating not canceling till the day I don't have to work, but that would not be fair. I know there will be other devoted knitting people would love the opportunity to go. I'll be sorry to miss it, in a very big way and the boss will hear about it if this vacation become virtual.