Fun is an odd concept, if you look at it. What I find fun is probably not what other people will call fun.
But I had a lot of fun the last few days. A lot.
I finished a couple of things that were in my WIP basket for a very long time. FUN.
One was the red sweater. Very very fun. and a nice sweater to boot.

And under the indoor light, you almost cannot see the subtle dye lot difference. It needs a good blocking and that will happen later. It needs the ends woven in and the closures, a single hook and eye too. Later.
Then I finished a blanket for one of my aunties. She is stricken with Parkinson's disease and is now in a home. My sunny sunny auntie with the ready smile and quick quip is sad and depressed. who wouldn't be? The blanket is supposed to be just a lap blanket that she can think of all of us out there who think of her fondly.
It is made out of one of those super giant balls of acrylic yarn that will never end. I swear, this 42 inch wide, before blocking, lap blanket hardly used any yarn and I think there will be a whole pile of things from that giant ball.
It wasn't a great yarn to work with, it is a coarse fibre and my fingers would feel overstimulated if I worked too long on it, but the first thing I did on finishing was to toss it in the washer with my hot water wash, and then into a good hot dryer. it came out wonderfully soft and now just needs a fine tuning to soften out the edges of the various patterns and the edges of the ripples. I am a little disappointed that more of that didn't happen in the killing and might do the wash and dry again before I pull out the iron board and steam. I am a little disappointed but I ever live in hope. Sigh.
Not all fun is immediately apparent. Still it was fun.
And then this. FUN
The pattern is a
Frankie Brown pattern, Mini Doll Christmas, that I knit using a cheery sock yarn. Very cute little pattern.
Deep in the buttons, I found some teeny tiny hearts.
And for shame I am showing off the ultra cute underpants, of shame, on me. To note, though you can't see it, the underpants have side seams, and if I might say so, they are probably my best seaming job ever.
Adorable! And Fun.
Today I am giving my hand a rest and an doing actual housecleaning. Not fun, I suppose but my mum will like it.
This evening, though, I reserve for more FUN. There will be some knitting. I am pulling out my Lett Lopi and am going to work up swatches for
Hun, and Icelandic whole body colourwork pattern that I am going to convert to top down knitting. I don't have the exact colours, and I have 2 possible ways I can go with the colours the design asks for, so a little swatching is in order to set out the way my colours should be used.
Fun. Its is glorious fun.