Sunday 3 June 2007

Knitting Practise

This weekend I practised knitting. I started by working on the vest, but there is not a lot of significant progress there. Its too big and heavy. My wrists won't tolerate it for long. I also made an executive decision. I kn0w enough to make socks.

Considering that I really only understood my problem with knitting for 3 weeks, this is pretty brave of me. Since I have a long history of going off half cocked, I expect I will stumble along like usual and will eventually understand what I am trying to do. Its seems that is how I learn best. Fail, fail, fail, and voila light, then success, fail, think it through, reason it out, and then finally, success and even better understanding and clarity.

Sunday morning I sat outside before it got too hot and I began casting on. Then I did ribbing. I had a few hiccups and a few unexplained events, but mostly, according to my spouse, I just that there giggling, talking to myself. This happened.
Sort of looks like knitting, doesn't it. Not great knitting, not even good knitting, but knitting good enough for a person who learned 40 years ago, but never did it much. It looks really great in this photo, but I must tell you, that is the ugliest heel turn in the history of mankind. You must accept this. I already have. But its my very best heel turn ever. Considering its my first, I am darn proud of this ugly heel turn.
The sock pattern is Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's from Knitting Rules .

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