Tuesday 14 May 2024

It is All a Go

The first thing I did yesterday was to pull back four rows in the longest stripe in the sequence of stripes so I could start on the new ball of yarn.  I want to put the first skein's remaining meters into the sleeves.  I think I will notice any difference more if it is at my shoulders.  I debated alternating skeins but you know what?  Nope. I am just going to let it play out.  

I was trying to figure out how I could show you the difference between skeins best and felt this might show it.  The first photo is as I was knitting the yoke of the sweater and the second is yesterdays work.   


You can see the very long stretch of golden orange and the almost non existent darker greens.  You can see how the pinks are very short and soft in tone in the second photo too. Nowhere in either of these skeins is there any of the vibrant blues of my remaining skeins. You get what yo get with hand dyes and there is always a way to make it work for you.   

I didn't get very far with knitting.  My brain kept slipping over to sewing.  I pulled out my sewing stuff and I am going to sort out a pocket that will open widely to get the skirt on and close up securely without zippers and without elastic.  I hate sewing  zippers, seriously, deeply hate sewing them. The adventure and the challenge is in seeing if  I can make my idea work. 

I am working with an old sheet today making a mock up of the the top of an A line skirt pattern.  I am going to consider the mockup as the step before a toile test.  Doing that will give me the information I need before trying it on my real fabric.     

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