Wednesday 3 April 2024

The End of a Dig

The Big Dig is done.  It was a long day and I was tired at the end of it.  It isn't that it was hard work.  It was very stimulating, overstimulating really. I was done by the end of it all.  There are just so many wonderful things in my stash, so many things I can't wait to work on.  Sometimes I wish I could knit faster so that I could experience all the things right now. I have to remind myself that knitting is a slower path to joy and fulfillment, even if I am excited about something.  It is hard to dig in all the pretty things and not cast on dozens more projects.

I made a few interesting finds such as these three skeins of the dark green Lett Lopi that Utikiek is made of.  

There might yet be a vest yet out of whatever yarn remains.

I even sorted and ordered the inspiration cabinet.  Occasionally, after a project is finished the yarn remainders get jammed tucked  in there just to get them out of sight. The cabinet is now back doing its job of inspiring me with colour and fibre.  

In a perfect world, I could display the yarns artfully, but this isn't a perfect world.  This world has moths.  Bags it is.  I have pulled out some of the yarns I want to knit this summer for tops and a shawl or two and planning those things will keep me going for a while.

This morning, I picked up this top again.  How nice it is to be back to knitting with my coffee. If you look carefully, you can see how I am extending the green section to reach my desired length for this panel. 

It blends pretty well, I think.  I really didn't want it to be striped but to get the job done, the bottom had to be. I need more yardage from the alternate skein than any attempt at colour matching could do. For this part though, the colours work together so I going with that. 

There are no looming chores.  The house is tidy enough to be getting on with.  Supper was decided before Keith left and all I need to do is sit back and do what I most love. It's a knitting day and that is enough.

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