Friday 1 March 2024

So Many Good Things

F1 is back.  This is the first race weekend of the season and I am giddy for it.  Because the race is in Bahrain and because F1 is catching up with what international racing ought to mean for host nations, the race will happen Saturday.  That means qualifying is today.  I have just a bit of time between our delayed watching of practice three and the beginning of the qualifying broadcasts.  

I knit a lot yesterday.  

And I will knit a lot today.  Racing. 

One thing I can tell you is that this particular pattern is eating yarn at a huge pace.  I used one full skein on the sleeves.  There is only a couple rows left on this current skein and I will need at least a full skein of it, and possibly a bit of another to get the width of stripe I want.   

I allotted two skeins for this section.  That's a bit of a problem.  I have to get another stripe of green at the very bottom and my plan was to get the ribbing out of it too.  I don't think that will happen.  

I do have two single skein of Lett Lopi, one black, one rust.  I wasn't planning to use them but if I need to, I will.  I wanted this sweater to be knit with stash only so if the ribbing is green with a bit of black and rust, that will be okay. 

It's sort of fun playing a game like this.  Sometimes working within a strict boundary can be very interesting.  I want only stash in this sweater.  I have lots in this batch of yarn for a complete sweater if I use it right.  I wanted wide stripes of texture, just like the pattern. I love the look of the design for just this that, over the Douglas Cardi, which was so popular this past year, and I love how the Lett lopi is creating the same crisp look that the pattern has. So many good things are happening.  

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