Friday 12 January 2024

Needing a Map

I got to the point on this sweater where the shoulders were done and it was time to start knitting with the second colour.  It was time to change texture patterns too.  Because I had used the pattern for the second section, it was time to go back to the pattern from the first section.  And I struggled with it once again.  

It's just a little slip stitch pattern and required a bit of focus to set it up right but if you did that, it would be a breeze.  That darn breeze blew right by me.  I was hit by my old nemesis of counting.   I could not count to three.  Or was it four?  Or two.  For a great deal of yesterday, I had no idea.  

I finally decided to draw a chart of it.  

Words defeated me, but charted, I could see exactly what to do.  I still had to pull it back to the start a couple times to get it right.  

This morning finds it well on its way.

It isn't that the pattern is hard to follow.  Not at all.  It would be a dream to follow for most knitters.  It is laid out with instructions for each row and it tells you where you should be at every step along the way.  

I struggle with too much detailed instruction.  I do better if I can see and understand the goal and then get there in my own fashion.  I can do that now that I have a map.

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