Wednesday 20 December 2023

Socks But Not Meditation

Cookie baking has commenced.  Today is more cookie baking and then tomorrow, icing the cookies and baking buns.  

When I was little my mom baked and baked and baked at Christmas.  She did that most of her life for us and though I cannot vouch for my sisters and brother and my dad, I can say that we showed our appreciation by eating it.  I have a feeling that as fast as she baked, we ate.  She is a very, very talented baker.

I remember at Christmas she would bake in the morning and then spend the rest of the day icing one type of cookie.  As she worked, whole dishpans would fill with cookies, before she was done.  She would make dozens of squares, chocolate ones, date ones,  and pies too, all sorts of things so our tables was always well filled for Christmas. Plus the turkey and stuffing.  Sigh it was a golden time in my memories.  I only know that when I attempt to do things like she did, I end up so tired.  I am not remotely the woman she is.  Even now in her mid eighties, she can still outpace me.  

Anyway, today I shall do a bit more baking, but only enough to keep the kids, big and little happy.  I would rather do a bit every once in a while, in part because that is more relaxing but also because I don't have the giant freezer she had.  

There was knitting on the sock yesterday, but not a lot.  I did take out one of the plain socks to look at this morning, and to knit on and you know what.  

I have to pull it back to the toe.  With the change in my foot size, it just doesn't need to be 72 stitches. The ones I am working on right now are 64 stitches and that fits really well.  So back to the beginning I go.  It means I have to have a look at the other pairs of socks on my needles too.  If they are 68 stitches, I can work with that, particularly on the plain socks, but if they are also 72, back to the beginning they go.  

I am going to have to look at these as well, but it will be an easy fix here.

It would be particularly sad if I had to pull back the other two pairs of socks.  One is my I Scream socks from Operation Sock Drawer. and the other is my A Drawer Full socks, also from Operation Sock Drawer.  

The I Scream socks are coming along nicely though when I started them, my brain was not really clear and there may be errors in the patterning.  Don't look too hard.  

I am doing them in regular commercial sock yarns to keep things budget friendly and dryer friendly, and I really want these socks.  They remind me of may dad so these are important to me but if they don't fit well, they don't fit so if I have them on 72 stitches, they will come out.  

The A Drawer Full socks are a bit harder to know.  If the colourwork is too tight, 72 stitches will be okay but if I am doing it right, 72 will be too big.    

I am not 100% sure of my yarn choice.  The colours are not doing what I hoped they would do so it might be okay to rip back and change it out for something that shows up better.  Or I could just keep going and let them be.  I really don't know.  That is if I have them on an amount of stitches that will work for my feet now.    

It is time for me to start my baking.  Christmas is soon here and there is much to do.

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