Monday 18 December 2023

A Spree

Four edges.  See them?

The blanket is finished.  Only my own blanket remains and that is going to be a pleasure from pattern to yarn.  For now, finishing this makes me feel really good.

That led to finishing these. My advent knit socks.  

I really loved making these.  Yarn from the stash and following the rule of seven.  Seven rows of colour, three rows of white.  I knit ten rows per day, one set of white and one colour.  It worked out pretty well.  In the end, I went with a plain cuff, even though I debated about adding single row stripes to it.  I tried it and it felt fussy and it took away from the punch of the clarity of the rest.  Better plain.

And then I still had energy and time left so I did this.

I finished another pair of socks.  These are Opal socks, from the painter series (famous painters and colour ways based on a work of theirs).  

Both pairs of socks are a little shorter than all my previous pairs.  Putting them on the sock forms reminded me that I have to peel off a bit of the sock form too.

There is something powerful about finishing a project.  I always feel strong and have such a clear sense of accomplishment.  Some people get that from cleaning a place.  My friend Debbie once said she thinks her hobby is cleaning.  My mom is sort of that way too, though mom always loved to cook too.  For me it is knitting.  Forever my happy place.  

I am feeling a bit of the usual lull that follows a finishing.  I have no idea what to pick up to work on.  Good thing it is laundry day...Wait.  What?  

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