Monday 17 April 2023

A Long Monday

Yup, still here, still bored to tears, still not knitting.  My wrists are getting better everyday, but the not doing anything at all is getting the better of me.  Who knew that puzzle setting was exacerbating the injury?  

I had a busy weekend.  It was a second Easter with the part of my family that celebrates Orthodox Easter.  What a good day. It also means that I spent the whole day Saturday swabbing out the kitchen.  It shone for a change when the company arrived and the food was tasty and fresh, just like Easter food should be, a true sign of spring.

Last night we had some rain and a window had been left open in the kitchen.  The house was fresh and smelled like rain and that was lovely. It stopped through the afternoon, but it is raining again now.  There has been some growly thunder and a fair bit of wind too.  Still, it is rather nice.  It is just a bit too cold out yet for open windows overnight.  Last night was an aberration, but it might be time to start opening them for a few hours in the afternoon, just for the fresh air.   

I had a nap in the afternoon, more because if I had not, I would have had to figure out something to do than that I really needed sleep.  I can watch TV, but I have never not done something else while I watched and I feel rather lost without knitting.  Still I will sip my cocoa strong with the knowledge that it is getting better and knitting will come.

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