Sunday 26 February 2023

Oddball weekend.

The weekends are for days off.  I still feel that way, only now I generally knit on the weekends, which is sort of what I do all week too, so...

This weekend was different.  I had a sleep study on Friday night.  It was interesting.  The room was kind of like a cheap hotel but with a single bed and you had to stay in the room till they got you out. I did not sleep very well, but I did sleep.  I needed to do it to keep my funding for my bipap machine so do it I did.  It made for a weird start to the weekend though.   It would have been much better if I could have knit.

I am not knitting still.  Another week I think, just to be safe.  It is so much better, but I would hate to start too soon.  I am still trying to keep busy with other things, besides sewing.  

The little loom has been busy this week.  

Last week, I had twenty four squares.  Now there are almost fifty.  It is about a quarter of the blanket I hope to make.  It has taken very little yarn so far, so I if the blanket magically happens to get bigger, that is fine by me.  Once I can knit again, I doubt that I will make as many as quickly as these were made, but I do hope to keep a few going on.  Note to self:  Needs more hot pink squares.

I have no idea what I did yesterday.  I did listen to a book and goof off on the computer for a good part of the day looking at knitting patterns and different variations of the patterns I have collected to spark some inspiration.  I have plans.  

Today I did this.  Keith hardly helped at all.

Don't be impressed.  This is a very easy puzzle, just like the last one.  It is a beautiful picture and I am having fun setting it, but it isn't as challenging as I like.  I am really enjoying the puzzles, and Keith has been enjoying setting them too. If he sees I have one out, he seems compelled to stop and help.  The next one I get is going to be a wee bit more challenging though honestly, If I had room and had the money to spend, there is a 18, 000 piece Ravensburger of a book shelf of magical books.  18,000 pieces would be fun.   

Yup.  That might be going too far.  The puzzle setting is making me batty.  Thank heavens it is only another week or two till I can knit and it is a darn good thing that I have sewing to do during the week.  

Now that my handy dandy button measuring tool thingy has arrived, I am going to sew another shirt or two with long sleeves, out of my wonderful flannellettes and then I am going to have mega button day.  I am really looking forward to this week.

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