Thursday 12 January 2023

Mail Day

I love getting mail.  I's just one of the bright spots in my week.  If you live in the city you likely pick up mail every few days, but here in post office box land, picking it up weekly is the routine for many people.   The bulk of the weekly mail arrives by Thursday so that is mail day.  And I love mail day.

When I was at my sickest I came to the realisation that there were things in my house that I did not want to burden my kids with getting rid of.  No not the yarn. I am keeping the yarn all to myself, but some of my other things, I don't know.  I think I just faced up to the fact that I am never going to get there, that what I really want, is to just knit and maybe spin, and a lot of the other stuff is just extra.  I have to sew, but I am never going to be into dyeing, I am never going to be into felting and I really doubt that I will ever weave anything in any substantial way.  My head is just too wrapped up in knitting.

So I made the decision, that some time after Christmas, my loom is going to go up for sale along with all its parts.  It is a beautiful thing and it deserves someone who uses it more than I will.  

But that leaves me with a small problem.  One of the things I did on my loom, the only really useful thing, was dishcloths.  I really liked how those turned out, much more than knitted or crocheted ones.  I hated to lose that.  So my gift to myself this year was a pin loom.  Two pin looms actually.  

I found a maker on etsy that made all kinds of sizes of looms, named Kiss Looms.  They make looms of all sizes and shapes for shawls, for socks, for almost anything you can think of.  It is an interesting store.  Quite unexpectedly, the loom arrived today.  Not too bad for something that was ordered well past Christmas, and had to clear an international boundary.  Not bad at all.

I ordered a 9 inch loom so that when the cloths are washed and ready for use they will be about 8 inches.  That is my plan.  They cotton yarn I want to use may have a different plan.  But I can try.  

I also purchased a Schacht Zoom Loom. If the big loom doesn't work out, I can use the smaller zoom loom to make the size and shape of cloth I want.  This smaller loom isn't here yet but I am expecting it next week.

The frustrating part is that I can't give it a first try tomorrow.  My day is full of errands and appointments.  It's a bit frustrating but what will be will be.  Saturday.  I will look forward to Saturday. I am so glad this arrived today.  I really am mentally done with the minis for now.  I loved doing them, but that is enough.  Time for something different to do, something that stretches my brain till I can knit again and this is it.

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