Friday 16 September 2022

Light Knitting and Grief

This morning I feel as if I need some relief.  I think I know what it is from but that is for later in thinking time and thinking time is just another word for knitting time.

I pulled this out yesterday afternoon.  

I wish you could see the true colour.  It is just so incredibly lovely.  It is also hard to knit.  There are only four rows of mohair in a set but each stitch needs taking care of so that i can be sure to catch it.  It is not a speed knit.  

There are times though, when this slow knitting feels absolutely right.  

I am finding the passing of the queen much more of a personal loss than I ever imagined it could be.  She is so far away and other than a figure head, she played little in the day to day world I live in.  And yet, I feel such loss.  I find I have to stay away from news because so much of the "news" is an individual who is no more connected to her than I am, opining on some small imagined slight by someone or other to someone or other.  There are body language so called 'experts' who make pronunciations on things that were decided years ago. It angers me.  Leave these people alone.  They just suffered a huge personal loss and they deserve better from us.  She gave us her all, her everything, and maybe just maybe in the interest of human decency, we should allow them to grieve.  No family is without division, no family is without strains and stresses and no one wants the whole world looking in and commenting on it.  So leave them alone to grieve.

What will happen can happen down the road.  Will that family heal their wounds?  Maybe?  Will we love King Charles as we loved his mum?  Maybe. Will we let the little ones of the family be children?  I sure hope so. But for now, let them grieve.   

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