Thursday 16 June 2022

Thursday morning

I had a busy morning so far, booking some appointments and getting callbacks and general stuff.  And no, I did not sleep in.  It just took this long for my regular routine to get going.  Next task to do today, I will make my lunch.

As I said last night, I am aiming to sew, and I have made a good start but I might hold it off for another day.  My head isn't clear enough for sewing.  Wee bit of a headache as the storms we have had the last few days move out and a period of more stable sunny weather comes in. Still it was good to have a look.  Just looking at it, moving it around, feeling it in my hands and I feel more like sewing.

I went in to assess exactly where I was and what comes next.

Darts have been sewn.  Button bands are done on both fronts.

The two piece collar is done.  My next step is a fun one.

This next bit is where I sew the back yoke, play with the back pleat and then get to goof off doing the burrito roll.  It is after that bit that it get harder again but only for a wee bit.  The collar has to go on once the shoulders are completed, and of everything, the collar is the hardest part.  Not hard for really good sewers but incredibly fussy when I am not, so it kind of ends up being hard.  Maybe painful is a better way to describe how I feel about this.  I already decided that next time, this shirt will have a single piece collar. 

After the collar trauma comes sleeves sideseams and hemming.  It sounds like a lot but it really isn't.  Still, it will take a healthy morning or good part of an afternoon.  

A note about the colour:  The pretty yellow, which seems to get prettier every time I look at it, is somewhere between these three pictures.  I think the last is closest.  Its a good strong yellow, but not leaning to orange.  

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