Thursday 28 April 2022

Stop Being so Hard on Yourself.

Yesterday was tax day and as usual, tax day was less than thrilling.  I had to find a new free software this year because my preferred software is now charging thirty five dollars for what I need and like anything new, it takes a bit till you get into it.  But the job is done and I survived to zoom knit with some ladies.  

I took out socks and looked at a bunch of different projects but I found that I wasn't quite into any of them.  I ended up going with this pretty cowl simply because it won't be long till it is finished and finishing a project is always nice.

The cowl is pretty.  The yarn is delicious.  The memories of a friend are sweet.  What is not to love.

As I was digging looking for something to knit, I came across this sock.  I knew I had a sock ongoing in this pattern (Gentleman's Shooting Socks by Nancy Bush from Knitting Vintage Socks) but I couldn't find it.  That is one of the problems I have with my cotton bag system.  They all look the same at the moment.

I was a little concerned about my very sluggish pace with projects this winter.  Four things.  One sweater, a pair of socks, a pair of wristwarmers and a cowl are the whole of my 2022 successes. That really bothered me but then I started thinking of everything else that I did do this year that I haven't done in past years.

I sewed.  I sewed pants and dresses and leggings and some basic around the house things and of those, there are plenty of things getting done.  If I had a place to record the sewing projects as I do my knitting, it would be filled with things completed in 2022.

I need to stop being so hard on me.  

And with that, it is time to geo sew.  I am really looking forward to these shirts.  And I even know what I am going to do next till the interfacing arrives.  

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