Wednesday 27 April 2022

Something entirely different

As you can probably tell, my head was all over yesterday.  I couldn't seem to sit and zone in to one thing at all.  Zero sewing happened.  Zero knitting happened.  I spent the entire morning trying to sort something I wanted to do finding nothing.  It never lasts, and it came to me that I could do something very different without even searching for it.  It was right there in a case under a side table.

Many many moons ago, I started doing an embroidery project of a volcano that Marcus drew.  From what I can find on my blog, this is most likely the last time it was recorded here.  It was farther along that this but I just can't find a photo.

It felt right yesterday to pull it out and work on this.  After all, the companion volcano from Carter awaits.

I am trying to capture the feeling of his four year old colouring, wild and wanton, in all directions at the same time.  For this red bit, the colouring is thick, and very red red, and then goes lighter and darker and verges to orange and purple too.  So I am trying to blend all that in by combining colours.  There still is quite a bit of work on this piece.  There are the knots that will be needed for the splashing lava above this flow and then the multi coloured lava up top by the smoke.  

I will knit this afternoon but I think that I will also try to focus a bit more on working on this pretty thing too.  Sewing tomorrow awaits!

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