Monday 4 April 2022


The weekend was what weekends often are, full of things and family and adventures that come in a different way. And that is the weekend that was.

I was updating Ravelry the other  day, and realized, that to date, 2022 has seen only 3 finished projects.    This would be appalling but when I look over the last few years, it's not unusual.  And it is not unusual to have a number of things close to completion at this time of year.  This year though, there isn't that much close to completion.  

It's the sewing.  It is taking time and energy away from the knitting.  It's not a bad thing of course because I gain in so many other ways but it does rather slow the gratification of knitting.  

I took care of that gratification on the weekend.

A completed pair of socks!  

These were frankensocks, from a part ball of brilliant yellow Phildar and a leftover bit of Meilenweit.  The funny thing about this last yarn is that I have no idea what it looks like when knit on its own.  It was used with some lavender to make a pair of broken seed stitch socks.  Whatever else this yarn is, it is a stunning combiner.  The lavender blend pair are some of my favorites and this with the eye popping yellow just makes my heart sing.  

Luda and I were sitting here and they were at hand so I gave them to her, and proof that my preference for the garter stitch square toe fits all, and that a tube can comfortably fit everyone, it fit as if they were meant for her.  

Today there is a skirt to attach to a dress. My extra fabric arrived on Thursday, and there is fabric for shirts to come out and for pants to put away.  Plenty to do to be getting on with. 

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