Tuesday 25 January 2022


This morning, I opted to stay in bed after a late night.  I have jo idea why I had a late night, but I was just not tired.  It was such a waste because my hands were done for the day.  Late nights lead to late days.  

I meant to start Sun Dogs today, and I may yet, but my hands needed to find succor in something more fluffy.

And fluffy it us.  

I am questioning my choices.  I have 2 strands if mohair.  Should it only be one?  Am I crazy to do the lace in a different colour?  I have seen decorative panels in a different yarn or colour of yarn before.  What about more lace panels at the rest of the edges?  So many questions.  

I tell myself "Just knit"  Let the yarn wind its way through your fingers.  Feel it  gently gliding over knuckles, around my index finger giving the whole airy strand the smallest touch of tension. " Just feel," says I to the place in my head that questions and doubts.  

That's my goal for today, to quiet that voice that drives me crazy.  I need to take this leap of faith because my leaps are a good bet when I balance them against that voice.  

And Jump.

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