Thursday 27 January 2022

And a one and a two (counting Like Lawrence Welk)

Finally.  Finally.

I would like to pretend that I frogged back to where I could count stitches just before the start of the lace bit of a Love Note.  It wouldn't be the truth though.  No.  It took much more than that.

I ripped back because of a fundamental error I made in the lace.  As in I did not follow the chart at all. It is a fairly intuitive lace.  I just intuited it wrong.  That was number one.

Then I went back one row to far and had to redo the second increase row and count that.  It was wrong so I redid that till I had the right number of stitches.  That was two.

Then I knit the first row of lace and I had a weird number of stitches left at the end of the first round.  I rechecked my counts on the needles and everything looked fine so I fudged.  Stupid move butter cup.  I was merrily doing row two of the lace chart, only it really wasn't working out.  I looked and looked and it all seemed fine but it was so very wrong.  Oddly enough, the math from the  was right and the math I supposedly had on my needles also seemed to be right.  Till I read the little line of text under the chart:  Twleve stitch repeat.  Is that what I had?  Nope.  That was three.  

And then...finally, then...I got it.  

I am about to start the second half of the chart.  We shall see how that goes.  It looks good, but you do not really know till you knit it.

And just to keep it all in the loop, I did knit on my Agate Cove sweater and my pretty little Sun Dogs too.  A little on each helped take the tension out of the day.

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