Monday 27 April 2020

The happiness quotient is high in the house today for no specific reason other than it is.  It is okay to just feel happy.

So with the finishing of things last week, I had the pleasure of starting something new.  Two things actually.

When I moved here three years ago, the landlord said he wanted a sweater.  I knew what yarn I would use, though I had no idea what pattern I would follow.   When I decided to pull out some Berocco Remix and begin  I still had no idea what pattern.  At the back of my mind I have always put Cobblestone high on the list if pattern choices.  I have the book.  I love the easy style.  I love to knit garter in the round.  Sitting here on my sofa, I picked something different.  

Because the book was over on the shelf and I was too lazy to go and find it.  Yes sireee.  I am 'that' lazy.  

I went with Flax.  I could put it straight on my tablet and the pattern was free.  Plus it still has some of the garter in the round I enjoy.  

The next thing I started was another shawl in precious yarn for evening knitting.  

It isn't going to look like much other than a triangle and eventually a square for a very long time.  It won't look like lace till the last couple of sections.  I am making a Hansel for my very own out of Shetland Ultra.  I have made this pattern before for Olga's grandmother in testing it for size, I knew I wanted one of my own.  Maybe two.  Okay I have yarn for two.  This in a delicate laceweight and some Briggs and Little Sportweight to make a giant  warm cozy TV watching masterpiece. 

Somehow, that wasn't  enough.  I do want to keep moving my WIPs through to become finished objects.  I would like the summer sweaters at least, complete this year before summer is done so I can start fall sweaters in July.  

So I pulled out this delicate Phil Light sweater I started in February.  I had set it aside with a bit of a problem and since I don't  want to let things with a bit of trouble sit anymore, I dealt with it.

It had one place where there was an uneven number of increases down one sleeve.  I hate pulling this yarn back.  It can be difficult with all that fuzz, but facing it and doing it had to happen.  So here we are, pulled back and almost reknit to where I was.  And no mistakes.  

I could do all this because Friday afternoon I completed half of the fibre I was working on.  Later today that work starts again.  The plan is to have it done by the weekend.  We know how that goes, but I am going to give it a shot.

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