Tuesday 28 April 2020

Not the Vacation of Hercule Poirot

Yesterday was such a lovely day.  I had a good visit via Skype and I could have chatted for hours.  However, oddly enough, I could not sit for hours!

Do you recall the other day, me talking about something that just made me laugh when I was feeling low?  I was talking about a shawl named Les Vacances d Hercule Poirot  , The Vacation of Hercule Poirot.  I knew exactly what yarn I would use too.  I have some lovely soft sock yarn from Custom Woollen Mills in grey and cream that will be marvelous for this shawl.  I would be knitting it now if I could have found the yarn without ripping the closet apart this morning.

While I did not find the sock yarn, I did come across this yarn, Country Silk or something like that. It is a blend of silk, wool and nylon in a lovely blues with bit of warm taupe and warm purple.  I have tried it as several things but it just never felt right.  But I have wanted to knit with it forever.  It is always at the top of the next up pile and is perennially passed because I don't know what to knit from it. 

When I woke this morning, early as it was, I woke thinking that the right kind of project for this yarn, with it's multi coloured bits, was Matchmaker, or Hitchhiker or one of Martina Behm's other ever so knittable garter stitch delights.  It is too long since I knit something from Martina. 


I had so much fun knitting my yellow Matchmaker and it is one of the things I wear all the time so I quickly decided on that.  And away I went. 

Not too far though, not yet.  I have other things to do, some of which is to finish up the carding before my new fleece arrives and some of which is not nearly so much fun but has more to do with laundry and dishes and the like.  I will obviously have to dig in the boxes to find the yarn for Hercule's Vacation too so that I can knit that at some point  not too far away. 

And so, on we go.  Be safe.  Be kind. Stay Healthy.

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