Wednesday 4 October 2017

Settling down

Finally today, I feel like I am settling down.    

I had the gumption to start working on the lace again yesterday and decided that I needed to take it off.  The edge, as worked, was never going to lie flat in the valleys.  So, I faced a redo.  I tried a few things yesterday but didn't have the feel for it at all.  By late afternoon, I had pretty much decided that I needed a new design but I did not sit down and choose it.  I felt that a day off knitting was wiser.  Almost off knitting, but that is a different story.  The decision was made and that seemed to be enough.

This morning, I began peppy and snippy and ready to go.  It took me only a half a cup of coffee to set my path on a new pattern and to begin. We are go for lace re-launch.

As always, it doesn't look like much and is a little hard to see, but trust me.  It is looking good.

It's a very similar pattern to the first pattern, but has broader bands of garter that seem to mark sections better for me.  It knit easily and with speed. 

I hope that continues.  There is a bit of time pressure to get it all done, plus there is another shawl that needs a border to knit by the end of the month.

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