Monday 7 October 2024

Not Better Than That

A muddled weekend led to all sots of knitting. And crocheting.

I finished a Kirby.  

He should have white eyes but when I add the white, it looks weird.  I took a second pink out of his mouth too because it made the mouth look oddly puckered, like a fish, not like a Kirby character.

Then I worked on cat one, Casper.  Casper was a golden tabby with a bit of creamy white.

I am not sure I like the gold I am using.  I have another gold yellow colour and might try that for the next go around.  And there will be a next go around.  This is not how the nose of the cat I decided to do should be looking.  My stitch counts are horribly off and there are increases where there should not be increases.  Plus, the way I started it, the cat would be striped and Casper was not striped evenly around.  I need to work on that.  

The cat I decided to do is Marshmallow the Cat.  He is more of a pillow cat and that is much more in line with how Marcus will use the this stuffy.

As consolation for problems with the cat, I allowed myself to cast on for a sweater.  Yes,  picked a sweater!

I decided to start with Third Coast by Renee Kulling from Knitty.  With changes.

I really don't feel like sewing in a zipper. I know there is a lot of this style of sweater in the pattern world right now but I just don't want to do it.  I decided to change that out for a classic deep v neck.  I did debate going with a Henley style neck line.  It would be so easy to do with this pattern but I would rather have the v and save a bit of yarn.  I love the yarn for this, this rich deep cherry red. However did I keep it in the stash for so long?

My plan to conserve the red yarn so I can use it in two sweaters is that I will use the two creams alternating on the bottom rather than separating each cream with the red.  My colours will be red for the yoke, cream for stripe one, oatmeal for stripe two followed by the red and repeat.  That's the plan.  If my red use is still too much, I will add in the natural that is still in the stash as a third layer of cream tones. 

Puzzle setting season s back.  When we did the floors, one of the happy results was that we could move the kitchen table right under the light and we can easily move around it.  It is the perfect size for puzzle setting.  So far this fall we set two puzzles, both of them dark.  They were great puzzles but we are setting on a black puzzle felt and it is just too much dark.  I am looking forward to something a bit lighter.

Lots to do today.  Laundry day has come again. Sigh. But cats and coffee are calling me and there is knitting to be done.  I always feel like saying yippee after this.  It is how I feel.  Might even do a bit of a dance.  Wearing a sweater, knitting another, accompanied by cat crocheting, and coffee.  Life just doesn't get better than that.   

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