Thursday 9 May 2024

Monogamous Stripes

Yes, still working on this top.  I know that the main colour is a plain greige (and therefore already a complex colour) but the rose pinks and greens and golden say spring. 

I seem to be able to do one stripe sequence a day so not a lot but acceptable.  Each sequence is 4 cc, 2 mc, 7 cc, 2 mc, 4 cc, 4 mc.  That seems to be keeping my dream of a greige top with multi colour stripes alive.  I am only on the second ball of the greige yarn ight now, so I should have at least enough for solid greige sleeve cuffs.  If the bottom needs some sort of striping, that will be fine.

The really interesting thing is how far the Adam and Eve multi colour is going.  This particular skein is a very soft set of the colours of Bird of Paradise.  The tones are delicate and muted.  

The skein I am working with is the top left skein on this pile of yarn.  See how soft the greens are?  They are the palest dusty green and that is why this is working so well.  As you can see on the skein and the sweater, the pink is the power colour.  The other skeins all vary, with one where the strongest colour is the golden tones and the others where the teal speaks volumes.  

I am in the very merry middle of this top.  I am just going to keep working on the body because I don't want to have to cut yarns and if I can, I want the entire top make with this palest skein of multi colour.  

It isn't often that I am project monogamous  but  this top is really moving along.  Stripes help.  Just sayin'.

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