Monday 18 March 2024

Unpopular Knitting Opinions

On Ravelry and on Youtube, my two main sources of other people knitting content, there are occasionally threads and vlogs about unpopular knitting opinions. I take these tongue in cheek as I am hoping you will here too.

When I started knitting to finish a colour and get it out of the way on all parts of the sweater before moving on to the next color, who knew I would be doing something amazing.

Sleeves are sometimes seen as the tedious bit before you get a sweater.  Sleeve Island is a familiar thing to many knitters.  I am here today to say nay.  

(Unpopular opinion rearing its head)

I love knitting sleeves! After that long row of knitting across the body of the sweater, sleeve knitting is really marvelous. It goes so quick and with a pattern such as this, it is hypnotic.  

(End of unpopular knitting opinion.)

I don't actually believe knitting opinions need to be popular or unpopular.  How we feel about certain things in knitting is entirely our own. The term just makes me smile as I think it does most people.  I am pretty sure it is meant to.  This is our hand work.  We can take it and it can take us wherever we choose to go.  There are no knitting police.  Our choice of needles and hooks, what we make using them, what yarn we use,  all those things are ours to decide.  It is the action of our hands, the thrill of making that unite us.     

I have one pattern repeat to finish and this sleeve is done.  It took almost no time to knit last evening and it was hard to make myself stop.  I had to because one finger was trigger locking, but not to the point of pain. That actually means that I went on a bit too long so I am going to sit a day out to let the tendons heal.  

That is okay.  I will stash dive.  It is time to do that for the health and well being of my stash.  I may also pull out certain yarns for knitting some summer like things.  We shall see.  

Oops.  I almost forgot to say there was other knitting besides the sweater.  Sock knitting has been my warm up knitting in the morning the last few days.  

I need something plain, with no thinking needed before coffee in the mornings and this blue and green combination makes me happy.  Starting a day with happy is the nicest thing.

So off I go, diving deep into the yarn.  With a second coffee to make sure I am really awake.

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