Monday 12 February 2024

Linger should be Mosey

Finally, photos of Linger.  

This isn't a knit that goes fast.  The half fishermans rib stitch which makes the fabric so cozy and deep is also what makes it seem slow.  Each right side row knit stich is a knit one below so that the fabric is not quite as long as a plain rib would be.  What you gain is well worth it though.   It should be noted that I am only following the pattern approximately at this point.  I am not into stich counting and rows but prefer to knit to fit me.  I wont have to knit many increases at the side under arms for this one.  It is such a stretchy fabric it won't need much.

I put it on a holder string and gave it a good try on.  It fits great and I am very pleased with how it is going.  The only problem is that I did not want to take it off.  It was deeply warm and comfortable, and I will be using this kind of stitch again for more sweaters.  I can't wait to wear it.

On Saturday and Sunday, I devoted my time to sock work.  I tried the red sock on last week and thought it was ok, though I felt it should be longer.  When I started to do that, I tried it on again and thought I was utterly off my rocker when I felt it fit well.  It was too short.  I really love this yarn and I deserve socks that fit right so I pulled it back to just past the heel and made the foot longer.  

I also changed the heel from a short row garter stitch heel to a toe up heel flap heel for no other reason than that I felt like it.  That is one of the wonderful things about socks.  There are so many way to get what a sock needs to be from a thread and some needles.  

The weekend itself was really great.  It is always so special when the grandkids come.  We baked a big batch of Monster Cookies.  I don't do that often. The recipe I use makes a monster sized batch with 18 cups of oatmeal and takes all day to bake the whole thing, but luckily, the dough freezes well. We sent cookies home for Marcus and put some in the freezer for later too.  The next day we baked buns and ginger snaps.  As quality control man, Uncle Keith had a wonderful time. 

Cassie and I decided her next sewing project.  Now it is up to me to  make sure we have the right fabric and a pattern.  

Today is the day for routine household chores but in between I can knit and see how much farther along I can take Linger.  

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