Wednesday 13 December 2023

The Marly Part

I was feeling a bit down yesterday about my knitting.  It isn't really surprising because sticking to one project when you like it but are not completely in thrall to it can get tedious in the long middle of a large thing.  It has happened before and it will happen again.  Thus is the large pile of WIPs born.

The desire to finish up all the blankets remains strong.  It is only one blanket and it is a decent knit.

The rhythmic nature of the blanket isn't quite as entrancing on the seventh go around, but it is enough that it keeps moving along smoothly. The marker notes where I did the math.  At that point I checked to see just how much more I needed to knit of the marl to get a blanket that measures between 52 and 54 inches long.

The border section is 10 inches long and the blanket itself was 35 inches long when I measured so a matching end section would add another 10 inches, making it 45 inches.   In order to get a finished project of about 54 inches, I needed to knit another 9 inches of the marl.  I put the marker on and kept on knitting.  

Just like the last Sock Monkey Cabin Blanket blanket I did, ball 1 of the denim yarn ran out a few rows ago with about 6 inches left to knit.  Ball 2 of the cream still has a few more rows to go, because knitting started with a partial ball of the cream from the previous blanket.  

At the end of yesterday I had 4 inches of the 9 marled inches I needed to knit, complete.  I am looking forward to getting to the cream because once I hit the different colour, it will all feel new and will knit up fast and furiously fun again.

I did knit on my advent socks too.  As you can see, there is now an orange stripe and a blue stripe knit up and it is looking very sock like.  

Because I kept up to the plan to knit everyday on these, I am much farther along than I thought I would be.  It is still 11 days to Christmas and that will be lots of time to finish them.  I am going to leave these sit for a day so that I can put all my efforts into getting this one last blanket done.  

The push is on but I am going to be mindful about over doing it.  I want to keep my joints in good shape for after Christmas knitting.  Because I have plans...lots and lots of plans.

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