Sunday 31 December 2023

2023 Enough

I was reading over my blog this morning as I often do on New Years Eve.  Its a nice way of going through what was at the end of one place in time and the beginning of another.  My conclusion?  I lived.

Half the year was adapting to all the things that came after my hospitalisation in 2022.  That same half the year was beset by hand issues that are still being sorted and understood.  Much of the year was filled with worry about my youngest grandchild, Everett and would his troubles be sorted. (They were.) Much of the year was the joy of being surrounded by my grandkids and chasing after them and thinking about them as I worked. 

At the start of the year there was precious little knitting, but I learned to keep myself busy in different ways.  I puzzled, I wove on a pin loom, I did a whole bunch of miniature things for my cabinet house, I read many books. And then I knit blankets.  Lots of blankets.  Lots and lots of blankets. Ten to be precise.  Everybody has one.  Carter has two and even Jane and her mom and dad have one.    

I am really proud of them all.

I also completed several pairs of socks.

I am so glad I got these done.  I really needed them and am going to have to keep doing a few rows on socks every day for a while to replenish my sock drawer.

I did some kid things.

I did some me things.

I did some learning things.

All in all, even though much of the year was stymied by troubles and issues, these have been small things.  I had a great year and that is all that I can ask for.

I am surrounded by love, I am warm and well housed, I have enough.  That is so much more than so many have.  I never forget that.  I am blessed and that is enough.

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