Tuesday 15 August 2023

Yesterdays plan for cutting out fabric did not quite work.  I hit a bit of a roadblock.

I love the fit of Muna and Broad's Glebe Pants.  They are my absolute favourite causal, hot summer day wear outside of dresses.  I love the wide legs and the easy fit on the top but, there are times when their casual fit isn't quite what I want.  I need some pants with a bit of a narrower, more classic leg. The  Birchgrove Pants are exactly the right thing. I bought the pattern and prepared it.  I have the perfect fabric.  I even have coordinating fabric for a shirt/light jacket.  And then summer and kids came.

When I sat down yesterday, the first thing I did was go through my fabric stash to find a fabric to use for a first go at the Pyrmont Skirt. I came up with a really nice plain black cotton that I have had for years and years.  (When I say years and years, I mean probably 20 years.) It would be a very wearable trial run, perfect for casual wear.

The only problem is that I was also thinking about using this same fabric to make a first pair of Birchgrove pants.  I have a lot of the fabric so I prepared to cut out both.  And that is as far as I got.  Do I start with the pants first or the skirt.  Which is more important to me?  

I just could not decide.  It is such a large piece of fabric, that I have to cut out as I go, just to keep things under control.  Because I have no idea of exactly how much fabric there is, do I cut the skirt first and possibly run short of fabric for pants?  Or vice versa?  

And that is where I stopped.  I felt that a good hard think about what I needed and wanted more. Then there is the intriguing thought of using the skirt pleat schematic to help pleat the pants... 

I sat down to knit and became thoroughly entranced with my knitting.  I had thought about working with the delicious yarn from Midknit Cravings but my hands wanted to work on the last bits of the lovely Blue River Elton sweater.  

I almost have the buttonhole side of the button bands complete.  Just the rest of the bind off to do.  Then the other side and the neckline to go and another sweater is complete.

While I was knitting the afternoon away, my brain made the pattern decision so I am all set to sew this morning. The skirt reigns supreme.  Pants second.

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