Thursday 29 June 2023


It was another full day of knitting, though if I am honest, when I say full day, it was really only a couple of hours.  It really means that I spent most of the day reading and frittering away my time.  

Frittering away time might be a waste but if humanity never frittered away our time, we would never have advanced beyond stone tools.  Someone back in the mists of time, was just sitting, and thinking. They had enough frittering time to notice that the sharp edge of a stone could cut things and they wondered if they could make a stone sharp enough to cut too.  And someone, somewhere in time, had a moment to notice that when they twisted fibres left in a bush by a passing sheep or bison, or from a broken branch of a tree, that they became stronger.  Never underestimate the power of frittering away time.  

My frittering was mostly connected to spinning and the debate of do I want to join the Tour de Fleece this year.  I tried last year, but in hindsight, I was not even close to healthy enough to participate and this year, I think I will spend my time getting my sewing begun for winter.    And my knitting.  Some fairly serious work needs to happen on my sock drawer.  

I did let my mind wander while I was knitting too.  While that was going on, I got a fair bit done on my green Elton sweater.  I completed the flawed sleeve so now both are done.

 I also completed one of the buttonbands. 

One more button band to go and the neckband, neither of which will take to  long, so I expect to finish this lovely thing up sometime today or tomorrow.

 If I keep my head focussed on the knitting and don't fritter too much.

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