Monday 13 February 2023

That Point...

There is always a point in the day, where I say to myself, "Well that is enough."  It doesn't matter what I am doing, there is always a point where I say this to myself.  Sometimes it is because I am a bit tired and need to take a break and sometimes it is because I just have a vague feeling that I am about to do something stupid.

I was sewing today and said to myself that it was time to stop.  It was a good place and it was time for dinner. After I had something to eat, I was restless and wanted to go back to my sewing.  It was a new pattern and it was a bit different than anything I have sewn before.  It isn't difficult but because it is new, it needs some serious attention paid to it and the whole process was interesting.

It seems I wasn't ready for something that needed attention paid to it.  

If you look carefully, you can see the dart on what the straps seem to be saying should be the front of the top.  It is sort of weird looking because the dart seems to be coming from the center of the front.  And indeed it is.  It seems I have put the straps front to front and back to back rather than the front to back as it would in normal tops.

This is the real front.  For a half a second, my mind thought halter top?  But no.  I really should have listened to myself and gone and set a puzzle.  That would have been much smarter than picking up my sewing again and making this heinous error.  It is really irritating because I did all the finishing sewing around the top edge and I did a really good job too.  

I marked the error and went out and found something else to do.

I did these and listened to another book and had a decent afternoon.

I am reading a lot these days.  It just feels right.  Since the end of January I have been reading a bunch of Daisy Dalrymple Mysteries.  They are light, very well written classic cozy murder mysteries by the author of the more famous Hamish MacBeth books, Carola Dunn.  And before I am done these, it will be time to read some more Miss Silvers.  There are a lot of books in both series.  I am also watching a fair bit of Time Team with Sir Tony Robinson where they excavate interesting fields where there appears to be something of archeological interest.  I used to watch it occasionally but I am really enjoying it now.  

In knitting news, my hands are getting better.  Each day there is less of an ache or even any tingling in my wrists and thumbs. I am so happy but I am not going to knit too soon.  I do not want to have to go through this again.  Not at least till next week.  And maybe another week after.  

I can hardly wait.  

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