Thursday 22 December 2022


Last summer, I found my feet were warm enough and I did not always wear socks.  I thought that was a good thing and just enjoyed it.  


There is only one thing that can cause this kind of trouble and sadly, this isn't the only pair to have damage.  I do have the Aexeron pheromone traps out, I always do, but one is going into the drawer right now till I can get the whole drawer assessed, and sorted to see how many socks are done for. Then the drawers is going to get a pretty heavy duty wash with borax, as well as having borax in powder form dusted into the corners.   

This pair done for.  I ought to have thought of the results of wool in a quiet undisturbed place for a long period of time.  Moths really don't like being disturbed and it is the number one thing you can do to prevent an infestation.  Stir the stash!  The really odd thing is that I did not see any moths, not more than the occasional one or two early in spring.  They can pop in your house through an open summer and it is not a measure of your house keeping abilities at all. They are around as part of natures food chain and this is proof positive that you can be very unaware of an infestation in a dark quiet corner.

I guess the socks will be going into bags now just like finished garments, shawls and all the yarn.  Everything here is stored with an eye to moth proofing.   And post holiday knitting is clear.  All socks, all the time, till my drawer is renewed and refilled.

Meanwhile eeeep.  My feet are cold and I hope I have enough good ones to get through till New Years.

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