Tuesday 6 September 2022

The Woolen Nest

Yesterday was changing the sheets day.  It isn't a big job and is done at least every second week and now that I have sheets that stay on the bed, I don't even hate it.  This week, it was special because it was the day to put the big blankets on.

I made a wool filled comforter a few years ago for my bed and I made another for my guest bed.  The boys finally appreciate Grandmas heavy warm blanket but for myself, I have loved it since the day it was completed.

If you have never slept under a wool filed comforter, I feel sorry for you.  It is not for hot places, but here where it gets a bit cold long before the furnace goes on in the fall, a wool filled comforter is beyond pleasure right to that place where words don't matter.

You pull it up to your nose and you are suffused with instant warmth.  It dispels any sense of chill leaves you only comfort. And I have one more layer, a wool blanket,  to add when it turns really cold.

I slept so deeply last night.  I have pulled the comforter up a few times last week, but each time, once my sheets warmed it had to be tossed off if I hoped to sleep any more that night.  But last night, I just slept.  From 9 till 3 I slept soundly and then again from 4 till 7.  I  feel like I rested in ways I did not realize I wasn't resting.

The little bit cooler weather is making the days better too. From head to toe, I feel like a survivor.  That had trade offs.  My feet felt good but my knees and my wrists and even my ears ached instead.  You can't have everything. 

All in all a good day.  I knit, I did a big bunch of laundry, I napped, I read a book.  Yup a good kind of day, capped off by getting to snuggle in my warm cozy woolen nest again.

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