Tuesday 26 July 2022

Too Nice a Knit to Not.

I ended up doing  zoom meetings yesterday instead of having to go out to appointments.  How great is it that Covid left us with the very positive societal change that some medical stuff is perfectly fine, done via zoom.  It left me with all kinds of goofing off time.

I mentioned that mom and dad were thinning out their treasures.  Today I will show you Dad's Treasures.  He didn't have thousands, but he had enough to fill a couple display places in his office. I think he stopped when he had the space filled, kind of like myself and my cheap blue and white china collection. This part of his collection will be shared out among the boys though I must say, there is one truck that makes my heart go pitter patter just the tiniest bit.

I took them all out to see them all in one batch.  I am waiting with what mom sent till I have a place sorted to put them.  It takes time to get them in and out of the boxes and I will be happy to do it in one fell swoop.

With the much quicker zoom consult done, I had lots of time to knit.  Not a stitch was managed while the kids were here, so yesterday afternoon was the most fun time.  I do have fun with the kids, make no mistake.  Fun with kids is sheer joy and giggles and hugs and silly kid jokes and watching them run outside and scream the world down as they play and it warms my heart to bursting that these great kids are my folk. 

Knitting fun is entirely different. It sits glowing inside your soul, warming even the darkest parts of you, with a message that this is who you are, Knitter.  There is such mystery in making fabric and in watching it grow off your needles.

I picked up my knitting again this morning after finally sorting out the oddity at the underarms.  If I did this exact pattern again, I would take a bit more care with patterning and just where I placed the underarms.  Oh but for a few stitches... 

Those few stitches will never be noticed by anyone but me and since I only see the whole of the ongoing sweater, it won't matter a bit that things are the smallest bit imperfect till I have a full repeat of the lace at the underarms.  The ongoing sweater looks great, even better than I hoped.  I am already calling this a complete success.

If you have never knit a Leisl, you should.  It is just too nice a knit to not.

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