Thursday 10 March 2022

#Torrens Box Top

It is much too easy to skip a post when I am sewing.  When I have my summer things sewn, I will be vaccinated full time I think, but I worry that I would let it slide.  I really don't want that to happen.  I still enjoy it. 

So, what have I been doing?  Sew.  Sew.  Sew.

The top of dress one is done sewn and is waiting for the skirt.  I am not sure that I can do the skirt today.  Focusing close for four hours is about all I can do and that means my sewing day is pretty much done. I will show you what I have so far.  

The Torrens Box Top has these cool cuffs rather than sleeves.  That was the first thing I did after cutting all the interfacings for the dresses this morning and I did it wrong.  I sewed it as I would for a collar rather than sewing the ends together to make a circle. Fixed and sorted in short order, of the reasons why I simply adore Torrens.  

I had decided to make this fabric have a faux button front and that proceeded well enough so far as sewing went.  I wanted to use little covered buttons.  However, the little metal parts of the button are soft that I  have ruined several buttons just trying to put the back shak part on.  Plus, the little part that is supposed to help you out the shank part on is to soft to actually do it.  What a mess.  I am going for less matchy matchy buttons unless I can find something that is a good blue in my button stash.  


But over all, 

it is exactly what I needed it to be,  a nice summer dress.  I have the top complete but I hope to get the gathering started on the skirt pieces.  I am going to try the trick of sewing a zig zag stitch over a bit of cord or string.  I don't recall if that is what helped me get the green and turquoise dress so nicely gathered so easily but I think that is what I did and it was amazing.   And if it is not what I did, it is time I tried it.  It looks amazing.

I debated sewing all dresses interfacings one day, then attaching collars, then sleeves etc, but though the basic dresses are very close to the same, I am doing a couple variations just for fun.  Because each top will be a bit different, it felt more correct to do a dress complete at a time.  

Besides that way I get to wear them each in their time.  I am so looking forward to this!

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