Sunday 9 January 2022

Knitting away

Me and my sweater are just hanging around knitting being the best of friends.  That is really all that is going on knitwise and I am in love with it.  

 I love the yarn.  It is a 90 percent merino and 10 percent rayon blend, though I think the nubs are the biggest part of the rayon.  It just is so smooth coming off my needle tips.  And it is bouncy somehow, though it doesn't strike you particularly as bouncy in the way a cable plyed yarn is bouncy, but it has a real sense of its own space.  And it is warm and weighty, but not heavy weight, just warmth weight.  It radiates warm as if you were sitting in front of a fire.  

It is very easy to stay faithful to this.  I love everything about it still.  

Tomorrow morning it will get its second try on just to be sure that my gauge used for my calcuations is actually true.  I have taken and retaken gauge and some out the same each time and yet gauge is not something i trust without some backup.  So cross your fingers for tomorrow that this very pretty knit will reach its full potential.

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