Friday 21 January 2022


My new storage bags for my sweaters and large WIP projects has arrived.

Large tote bags.  I think this will work great. These have a zip top that is fairly decently secure from critters, though I am going to search and see if there is anything to be done to close off the end better, or if I just need to do what I have always done, which is keep the sweater chest and the yarns clean and well stirred, no matter the season.  

The only problem is that I cannot see which sweater is which.  They are all exactly the same.

For now, I am going to make some tags and atttach them to the bags for identification, but in the long run, I hope to sew a small vinyl pocket on each to tuck a picture in so I can tell which garment is where.  

In other fantastic news, my sweater is complete.  The only thing I have to do is add buttons and that will happen today.  I know which ones I am looking for this time so no struggle there.  There are no complete photos yet, but after this weekend, there will be time.  I am wearing it to the last, and slightly late family Christmas on Saturday.  I can't wait. 

Otherwise I am shifting WIPs around into various excess tote bags.,  I have a dozen sweaters and ordered 18 bags.   Once that is done, I will see what else I need and deciding what will work best for those projects.  

On the reupholstery front, almost done.  One more small step and we are good to go.  

I did a lot of weird diverse things yesterday but everything is landing right to make next week perfectly lovely for knitting.

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