Thursday 4 November 2021

Starting Points

The Starting Point shawl consumes five colours of yarn.  Working from the bag, bouncing multiple balls of those five colours around was making me crazy so I emptied out the yarn bowl and used as it was meant to be used.  It's kind of a shame that the greens look so yellow here.  It really is a brilliant sea of colours at play.

I had a plan to cut out another shirt this morning but it didn't seem like a good idea.  I had a terrible sleep last night, waking almost every hour on the hour.  I did not see 3 a.m. but I saw all the rest.  I was tired and cutting fabric did not seem like a good idea.  You only get to cut once.  With knitting, you can knit and rip a few times before it is just too worn out for good use and even then, if you just give it a twist it is useable for mitts or hats. Knitting seemed like the best idea for the day.  

Even in the knitting, I lost a stitch on one side of the chevron.  Getting creative to add a single garter stitch is not a hard thing so it was no big loss of time at all.  Still it is easy to forget one of the places to add or decrease stitches.  I want to keep on top of though.  I have memories of a sweater that was an inch out on one side.  Sigh.  You couldn't tell on the final product when worn, but I knew.

I took this photo around lunch time.  It was going pretty slowly till I realized that it was the dark problem.  Even with my OTT light, the dark purple against the black background of my table top storage chest was a problem.  Each stitch had to be so deliberate.  It finally hit me that it might go better if I put a note pad of white paper just in front of me, things might go easier.  And it did!

I had a nap and still got to the beginning of the next chevron stripe before I set it aside for the day.

I still love knitting it and I can;'t wait to wear it.  The fabric is already telling me how cozy I will be.

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