Friday 3 September 2021


A bunch of chores that had been pushed aside by the much more cheerful prospect of playing with my grandkids all summer were completed yesterday, but even better, there was knitting.

The short rows are complete so the only thing to do on this sweater is sleeves which she wanted only a bit longer than elbow length and all the edges.  The edges are a bit of a problem.

When we first started talking about sweaters, we were talking about cardigans with long sleeves with a hole in the cuff for her thumb.  So that is what I was knitting.  As kids do, Cassie changed her mind and said she wanted a short sleeved pullover.

Sleeves are not an issue at all, but changing from a cardigan, where I knit back and forth changes the colours that happen in the stripes.  Colours are not the same on the fronts of the original cardigan. Just sewing a seam and having it look good isn't quite feasible.  

Cassie and I talked about making it looked like an always buttoned sweater, where the is ribbing and buttons but it is sewn together.  This is my favourite idea.  She didn't really like it.  Then I thought of icord edgings.  I cord isn't quite a strong enough finish for the dark purple.  Maybe a double icord?  Twisted icord, where two layers are twisted just to give it more helft and depth?  

Not sure where this will go yet, but it will get decided today.  

There are more chores on the go today, laundry being of particular importance.  There are sheets from all the beds that have been taken apart, 2 and maybe 3 loads of bath towels (it's a really small machine) and a load of kitchen laundry all needing doing.  When those things are done, I will need a place to put it, which means the big closet over the stairs needs sorting and ordering, which means...

Well, it is a bit like if you give a mouse a cookie.  For every action, there are consequences.

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