Thursday 20 May 2021


Two corners!

Two corners!  I am kind of thrilled by this.  Okay, I am completely thrilled by it.  It is all a pretty wonderful knitting adventure and it feels as if it is getting so close to complete.  

I took some time to measure its unblocked state.  Keep in mind this is just as it sits here on my table and should in no way be seen as anything other than an indication of size but it measured out to six feet.  Wide.  Which is blanket width really.  Still I wanted it to be a substantial shawl that could be wrapped around me and snuggled into on chilly days. It's going to meet that goal easily.  

What is less thrilling is that I am into the third last skein of yarn.  I am using it up a bit faster than I forecast.  

My forecast before the last purchase of yarn for this shawl was that my first three balls would leave me two sides and a wee bit short.  If and that is a very big if, I get it all done with what I have, it will be very very very close.  Inches close but as usual, I have a really bad feeling that I am going to need another ball for the last six inches and the last corner.  I am not going to purchase another skein just yet.  I will know by the time I get near the third corner exactly what I will need.  

I hope this side zips along because I hate this not knowing.     

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