Wednesday 28 April 2021

Some days

I am having a morning.  It's been one of those, "I put my pants on backwards and I am not even sure if I care" mornings.  (Oh come on.  If you live in stretchy pants, you know this.  It is not just me.)  That is kind of how I feel this morning.  It comes from having a really terrible sleep, and that comes from having the kind of dreams you do not want repeated, ever, the night before.  

It is a bit better now after having my first coffee and yes, the pants are on properly and they were right all along.  I have been wearing mostly handmade, custom fit pants lately and this morning, I grabbed one of my few remaining pairs of store bought pants and I guess I am getting used to proper fit and coverage in all the places, not just in the places a garment manufacturer thinks I have places.  I am very very happy with my pants that fit.  A shout out to Muna and Broad .  If you are large and are over ill fitting garments, consider looking at their patterns.  The pants will work for you and if you need them larger, they will do that for you.  These amazing women understand shelfie butt.

I did all kinds of knitting yesterday, but did not seem to get too far.  I am a wee bit farther down the body of the wee sweater than I was before the ripping started, but it is slow going.  My hands have been really achy and I can't seem to do a lot of rows before I need to set it aside.

I am so much happier with the size though that all the reknitting and ripping was worth it.  Now it looks like something that will fit reasonably soon.  

With a wee bit of luck, I will finish the gray today.  I know, there are sleeves to do, but they are small and not terribly long, so I hope to get there, and perhaps tomorrow, there will be cream and red knitting, which always excites me with this colour combination.  

But that and my catch up chores are about it today.  And knitting with friends via zoom.  I will have to ask what others want to do now that warmer weather is here and townfolk can sit in sheltered spots of afternoon sun in warmth and comfort to visit and chat at a distance.  I am still not going to drive into town to visit, and maybe there are some who will still like to zoom just for the ease of it.  We shall see.

One thing about days that start like that.  They can only get better and that is a good thing.

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