Tuesday 6 April 2021

All Good Things

There was a fair bit of knitting on the shawl over the last week or so.  I was two motifs from corner one when the new yarn came in and since then, I have made strides.

I am so pleased with the way it is all working.  I used a variation on Nancy Bush's Estaonian technique for sewing straight edgings around a corner, to make sure I have a nice flat lying piece of straight lace there.  It looks as if there is a fold or a ruffle but there isn't.  I am also pretty impressed with how far down side two the knitting goes.  

If I look at this side of the work, it looks pretty fine, if I do say so myself.

However, it will have to wait.  This has to be a sewing week.  I am home this week, but will be away next week because 

Owen Michael decided it was time to arrive.  He missed my mom's birthday but he came in close enough that his Grandma (me) will remember the day he was born because of it.  His mom sent me this shot from just before he is heading home for the very first time.  My sweetums. Destined for a sock Monkey hat.  Maybe a sweater too.  And certainly a blanket.

His big brother Emmett liked him and then ignored him, but when baby was still there the next morning, he started to get the hang of having a baby brother.  His other brothers are really pleased that he has arrived safely and is home.  Me too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the latest arrival to your family. Oh my, what joy! A brand new grandson to spoil. He looks so sweet in that little outfit. I imagine you already have projects planned for the little guy as well as you're ongoing projects that come up with the other grandchildren. Your needles will never have a dull moment.

All the best to your family.


PS. That shawl is really gorgeous.