Tuesday 1 December 2020

December 1

I was going to show you the small progress on my sweater this morning.  I took it out and knit a few rows and those 5 mm needles just felt weird and clumsy in my hands.  

So I took up the blanket.  I need to get these done anyway.  I just measured it this morning and it says 58 inches.  The cream and red edge is 11 inches which gives this blanket a total of 69 inches, just an inch from what I think is the right size of 70 inches.  That is 6 inches more than the pattern asks for but because I am making these wider, to me, the proportion is the same.  

All that means just an inch more marled knitting before I switch over to work on plain cream.  I seem to get about 6 inches a day if I am working diligently, so I will be diligent and done in a couple days.  

That's a wee bit thrilling considering it is December 1. 

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