Wednesday 28 October 2020


Sometimes when I knit, I get overwhelmed by how significant a thing I am doing.  Right here, in front of my eyes, here in my hands,  I am making something that will keep me warm and comfortable. It is more than that though. 

Sometimes when I knit I am reminded that there is such strength and beauty in this simple task.  Knitting isn't a quick fix.  Knitting takes time and deliberate purposeful small moves, over and over and over again, till your sweater or socks or shawl is complete.    

Sometimes it is the color of the yarn and the way that light shines on it and from within it.  Sometimes it is the earthy, heathered sheepy natural colors. 

Sometimes when I am knitting, I am reminded of just what knitting did for me personally.  I worked.  I went home.  I had so few friends and knew so few people that I couldn't have held a Tupperware party because I did not know enough people to call.  I had a caring and supportive husband and three healthy kids and a decent social life with a few friends.  On the surface I had everything.  But I didn't have me.  Somewhere along the way I got lost and didn't exist.  Knitting helped me find myself again.  

Sometimes when I knit, I am reminded of just what change knitting brought to me and I am overwhelmed. Knitting sometimes is a very deeply emotional, spiritual experience.

I know that a lot of people cannot understand how anyone could feel this way about something like knitting.  A lot of people put it down to over sentimentality and being just a little flaky.  I am okay with that.  

It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks or feels about my knitting.  It really only matters what it means and feels to me.  

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