Wednesday 22 April 2020

So, yeah...

So yeah...that went well.

I had myself set up.  I had everything just so.  I combed for about a half an hour and things were going great.  And then the comb with the previously broken handle, broke again.  I spent a while sanding it off again and then decided that maybe I should just card everything.

But there was a reason I am combing and not carding, and all I really did was invent something new to clean up.  I thought to try flicking and that was partly okay, but really doesn't work as well with this fleece from one of my local growers as it did on the Columbia fleece I got from Woolly Wool of the West a few years ago.  

So I gave up and did something else.  I was so mad the only thing I was fit to do was to move large pieces of furniture around in my spare room.  At least that was not going to haunt me and the physical effort of moving stuff took the grump right out of me.

I talk about my spare room/guest room far too much for how much time it is used. I clean and tidy it all the time and I seem to forever be sorting stuff out in there.  To me, that is a sign of a room gone wrong.  Taking the old dresser out of there is the right decision.  I still need room for my loom.  I need a decent place for my treadmill, and I absolutely need a guest bed that I don't have to fold up and put away all the time.  

In a perfect world, the loom would slip into the closet.  That was my plan when I moved it into that room.  It mostly does fit, but the closet doors are a bit of a problem.  They could impede working the weft. I am considering asking the landlord to take them off but I don't know if he will.  Where could we put them so they do not get ruined.  Eventually, he will need them back.  Without the doors and with shelving on the sides made to suit all the weaving things, it would be a great little nook and would leave plenty of room to pull the loom out and move it about to dress the loom.  

I would have to deal with the problem of the extra large containers of fleeces waiting for processing and all the spinning fibre, but see above for why that isn't happening fast.  They will probably act as a side table for the guest bed in the short term.  And if they remain, they will come into my yarn closet in the not too far off future. The knitting of the past winter has made some pretty deep inroads there.  If all the containers were a hundred percent full, there would be two or three less large tubs, which mean fleeces and fibres could fit.  

The treadmill issue is sorted by moving the dresser out, so win.  And after yesterday morning, I so desperately felt the need to win at something.  

More than anything, having the feeling that I have had some kind of small success keeps my head straight.  It doesn't have to be much of anything, just one small thing, like a loaf of bread that worked or a particularly nice blog post.  The blog post is not going to win this day, that is for sure.  Too rambling.  Too much frustration without resolution.

Time to get my day underway.  I am looking for the good today and that alone is a win.

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