Tuesday 21 April 2020

Emily's Fleece

I love a good silent auction.  They can be enormous fun so long as everyone else is in it for fun too.

I cam across one last fall on a sheep farm I follow,  where funds were being raised to help someone do a Chalice Mission trip in Tanzania.  I read about the mission and decided the bids people had posted needed improving.  So I helped.  I had hoped to get people going, to give in the spirit of the thing but it was not to be.  Sadly.  Had I known it was going that way, I would have done more.  I will end up with a fleece because no one bid above me.  Ending up with a fleece is not such a bad thing but ending when you had just begun is.  I am really excited. 

copyright Aspen Grove Farm

You can read the story on this link.  Aspen Grove Farm & the Wool Room

I am getting the fleece of a yearling Lincoln Finn Romney cross sheep named Emily.  The locks are between 7 and 8 inches long so definitely a long wool. 

copyright Aspen Grove Farm

Her coat has been covered and so it looks lovely and clean.  And with spring here and with the landlord telling me there is hot water outside, and with my screen bags and the tools I need to wash the fleece in place, I am almost looking forward to this!

So, a long wool.  Which is going to mean more combing.  Maybe I need bigger combs?   A hackle? Tools are a bit difficult to source right now.  Shipping is really expensive and slow, so I guess I just need to comb more.

I baked and did laundry yesterday.  I do have one room on my to clean list (I made a list.  Maybe if I do one room a day, I won't get so far behind, hahaha.  I know me.), so on this sunny morning, the only thing I really have to do is to get off this computer and gather my tools and comb.  I'd like to get the job I have going on my combs finished before I get this new fleece. 

So, for now, bye.

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