Wednesday 1 April 2020

All Boring Things

The long story of the blue top has come to an end.  I adulted all the way.  Well, last night I set it down with three rows to go, but that wasn't about adulting.  That was about being sick (of the blue top).

Bound off bottom.  Two sleeves.  It is done but for weaving in the ends.  And if I may say, it turned out pretty well, despite being the most boring blue in existence. 

I don't know why some things strike me as boring and others do not.  I go into garment making knowing I have a significant amount to knit, no getting away from that fact, and yet, some things are just more painful to complete.  This one sure was.  It can't just be the colour could it?  I don't think so because I just ordered a bunch more blue yarn. Wait till you see it.  Heck, these days, wait till I see it.  Maybe it is in part that I finished another blue sweater just before this one. 

Maybe I need some lilac.  Or Green.

There is always the possibility that I am bored of sweater and top knitting. I don't really think so.  My eyes keep straying to my striking version of Myrtle and I found myself looking at my variation on Threipmuir yesterday.  It is time to do something else though.  Getting away from plant based fibres will be good.  Getting back to wool would be good.  Might be I have more sweater knitting in me right now.

For this morning, I am going to work on some socks.  I can do those along with some other chores that need doing this morning.  I might even massacre that sock I hate.  Do you remember this one?

I might work on another sock but I am definitely going to rip this out and prepare to have much more fun with it by knitting two or three dark yarn rows striped between each of its very regular dull rows.  There are bright fun colours in there, I just know it, and I am determined to wrest them from their staid drabness.  I have had enough of dull.   

But this afternoon, I think I will work on my long set aside Einband shawl.  Working with Einband would be a far from cottons and hemp as you can get and I think my hands are looking forward to the difference. 

All the boring things do come to an end.  If that is how you are feeling about the current stay at home policy, think of that. Hold that thought.   This too shall come to an end.

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