Friday 20 March 2020

The Sun Will Come Out.

I saw a birthday notification this morning on facebook and the first thought that came into my head was 'the sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar.....'

I still feel like breaking out into song because this.  

It is that time of year when I can start to mark the season by the suns march on my livingroom wall.  It has been a bit that the sun gets over the garage early enough in the day that it still can shine in here.  

My knitting for the day yesterday was this. 

That's  better.  It just has the feel I wanted for this sprightly yarn.  I am using Ysolda Teagues Leisl pattern though I hope to get a spring top out of it rather than a cardigan.  One other person knit it in a fingering weight so what the heck.  It can't hurt to try.  

My gauge is so different that there may be some hiccups along the way, but the experimenting is fun.  I already gave a second option in mind to try iv this doesn't  work.  

Off to knit.  Possibly off to bash an old dresser apart.  Who knows what the day will bring.  Might even bake a date loaf.  Maybe do some weaving or combing....

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