Thursday 19 December 2019

Mattress Stitch

I finished the last of the ties just after lunch and I sewed up the last side that needed sewing.  It felt good to have it all done.  I was going to lay back on the couch and wrap it over myself for warmth, and have a nap.  I pulled it up to my nose and...


I realized that the stitches in front of me were a little wide.  You can just see 2 stitches peaking out about 3 inches apart right where the fabric meets.

Oh yeah.  That.  I basted one side together rather than sewing it in case I needed to make my fabric 'duvet' cover larger or smaller.  It held up wonderfully well while working on it, but it is not a good seam for the long haul.  

It's too bad too because I put that stuff all away already in preparation for my nap. It is coming right back out again too.  If I don't fix this now, it will never be done.  I know me.  I would forget about it in the blink of and eye.  

So no nap, but before dinner today, this blanket will be finished finished finished. Mattress stitch, here I come.

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