Saturday 6 July 2019

Yesterday I repaired a sweater that I had not worn since last winter.  

The dog sliced the sleeve with sharp paws on a particularly thin section of Noro Silk Garden when I was babysitting kids.

It isn't a good repair.  Not even a fair repair.  I took the yarn from the remaining ball that looked most like it and went with it.  The rips happened cross two rows so one row was easy.  Just knit.  The second row was a graft row and I messed that up because I picked up the stitches to graft with the wrong leg forward.  It looks awful but it is stable and the sweater is wearable again and no one will ever notice it when I am wearing it.  

I was chilly this morning so I grabbed the sweater, seeing as it was close to hnd right by the kitchen.  and you know what? 

I realized how much I like this sweater and how much I missed it while it was out of the rotation.  There just isn't anything like slipping on something that fits you really well.  It was a particular favourite when I knitted it.  It was was a genuine pleasure to fix the bad neckline and I wore it at least three times a week there after and it is an even greater delight now that is back, ready to wear.  

Wool is comfort.  Wool is warmth.  Wool is me.

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